Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Burn FAT Snacks Options


This exotic fruit is an excellent source of fiber, which helps keep you full longer. Snacking on figs will help you eat less and burn fat faster. Plus they're a great option when you're craving something sweet but don't want a snack with added sugar.

*Licorice-Skip the candy aisle and get the real deal from your local health food store

*Watermelon (Not for Diabetes )-This summertime favorite increases amino acids and helps support metabolism! Plus, since it's water-based, it's also very hydrating

*Pistachios-Pistachios are packed with plenty of health benefits. Full of fiber, protein and healthy fats, they can help you stay full and stop overeating. 

*Pine Nuts-High in polyunsaturated fats, pine nuts may help you burn calories at a higher rate even when you’re not very being active

*Soy Nuts-Herbalife has a Great Option of Soy Nuts (Lime Chile & Regular Flavor

Ref: According to Dr OZ

*Hard-boiled eggs with sriracha sauce- To improve thyroid function—the gland manages growth and metabolism—look no further than a low-calorie, low-fat hard-boiled egg

*Egg Whites

*Turkey jerky with mustard- An ounce of turkey jerky has 10 grams of protein but only about 60 calories

*Popcorn- Whether you make it with an air popper or in the microwave, popcorn is full of fiber and has few calories

*Baked zucchini chips with paprika and sea salt-Registered dietitian Lauren Minchen recommends using paprika not only to flavor this healthy snack, but also to boost your metabolism, reduce your appetite, and lower your blood pressure.

*Edamame with sea salt “Fiber is the magic ingredient when you’re trying to lose weight—it slows digestion and helps you feel full.

*Chia Bars-Not only are chia seeds rich in omega-3 fatty acids and iron, but they also help weight loss by absorbing sugar and stabilizing blood sugar levels. 

*Grain-free nutty cereal mix-Though nuts are caloric and easy to overeat, they’re also energy-dense and high in protein and fiber

*Pineapple with lime juice and sea salt- Like watermelon, pineapple is low in calories and has a high water content

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