Saturday, November 22, 2014

Buisiness Opportunities Meeting

Meet Us at Sheraton Hotel
311 N University Drive
Plantation, FL 33324

At 12:00pm Doors Open
Supervisors Training: 11AM -12 PM

Bilingual Training and Presentation

Monday, November 17, 2014

3 Day Trial

Hi Everyone,

This is to announce that I will be having a 3-day Trial of our Products, which includes TWO SHAKES per Day and Product that will help you with Energy and Metabolism function.

Inquire within.

Call 407-451-9550

Monday, November 10, 2014

Caminando La Milla Extra

Caminando la Milla Extra

38 Oísteis que fue dicho: Ojo por ojo, y diente por diente.39 Pero yo os digo: No resistáis al que es malo; antes, a cualquiera que te hiera en la mejilla derecha, vuélvele también la otra;40 y al que quiera ponerte a pleito y quitarte la túnica, déjale también la capa;41 y a cualquiera que te obligue a llevar carga por una milla, ve con él dos.” Mateo 5:38-41

El capítulo 5 del libro de Mateo, comienza con las bienaventuranzas. En este sermón, el sermón del monte, Jesús describe el carácter que, como hijos de Dios, nosotros debemos tener, y los beneficios que acarrea esto para nuestras vidas.
Más adelante, en los versos 38-41, Jesús comienza a retar los pensamientos que habían sido establecidos en la ley, específicamente en el área de la restitución. Hoy día tenemos una manera diferente de resolver nuestras diferencias, pero, en el aquel entonces, la ley de restitución establecía cuál era la venganza que se tomaría ante una acción incorrecta.
Aquella ley decía: Ojo por ojo, y diente por diente. Era una ley fuerte, pero era una ley que aseguraba que el pago no fuera más grande que la ofensa. Se aseguraba de hacerles justicia a los más pequeños, a los inocentes. Pero sabemos que Jesús vino a retar muchos de los sistemas establecidos por el legalismo, por la religiosidad.
Cuando Jesús está hablando las palabras que vemos en estos versos, cambia el contexto de la ley de restitución.
Jesús estaba hablando a los judíos. En aquel momento, el imperio romano dominaba políticamente aquel lugar. Lo que decía la ley de los romanos era que el más pequeño de los romanos tenía autoridad sobre el más grande de los judíos para que, caminando, le dijera: Toma mi carga, y llévala por una milla. Y, el judío que recibiera esta orden, estaba obligado a llegar aquella carga por una milla.

Seguramente, para los judíos, aquel sermón de Jesús iba muy bien, hasta que dijo que llevarán la carga del que se lo pidiera, no por una milla, sino por dos. Jesús pudo haber dicho: Y a los romanos les digo: Lleven ustedes sus propias cargas. Pero eso no fue lo que Jesús dijo.
Aquellos judíos deben haberse disgustado. Pero, ¿cuál es el objetivo de Jesús cuando hace estas expresiones? Esta parte del sermón del monte, es también una enseñanza, y trabaja con un área específica de nuestro carácter.
Cuando hacemos las cosas por obligación, por más que queramos disimular, nuestra actitud se deja ver. Quizás te obligaron a practicar algún deporte, a aprender a tocar un instrumento. Y es que hay ocasiones en las que se nos obliga a hacer algo, no por mal, sino por nuestro bien, porque es de beneficio para nuestro carácter.
Eso es exactamente lo que Jesús estaba haciendo. Él sabía que estaba diciendo algo difícil de digerir, pero sabía también que sería de beneficio para el que lo escuchara, lo recibiera y lo aplicara. El que lo hiciera, recibiría los beneficios de aquella instrucción.
A veces, no entendemos la lógica detrás de la instrucción, pero no es hasta que obedecemos que entonces podemos apreciar y disfrutar de los beneficios de aquello que en un principio no entendimos


If you’re burdened with health problems and are struggling to lose weight, it may be a good move to begin subtracting gluten and grain products from your diet as a precautionary measure.

Diet assessment helps gain needed insight as to what may be going on with any particular person. In many cases, the simple subtraction of gluten (or wheat products, in general) from one’s lifestyle is a great way to see if any health complications clear up. In some cases, it can make a huge difference.

But simply removing gluten is not enough!

Once gluten is taken out of the picture, substitutions must be made. Making sure that you’re making the correct choices.

If a person decides to make the transition toward a gluten-free life, many foods then become unavailable. It’s confusing! You don’t want to jump into such a lifestyle without having a solid platform by which to grow, and this is where lifestyle coaching and metabolic advising can help.


Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD began flying off bookstore shelves in 2011, millions of people began to realize that gluten, itself, may be the root cause to their many health issues.
Gluten-related symptoms can affect a person in a myriad of ways. With symptoms ranging from depression and brain fog to irritating skin rashes and painful digestive-tract issues, people are removing gluten from their diets for varied reasons.
Whether you are removing gluten from your diet because you:
  • Know that you have Celiac Disease (autoimmune disease).
  • Know that you have a wheat allergy.
  • Have discovered that you have a Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) by removing gluten from your diet and watching symptoms disappear.
  • Suspect that you are or could be NCGS and are starting an elimination diet to self-test.
To maximize those benefits and your overall sense of well-being, we want to ensure you go about removing gluten the smart way!
It can be tricky at first…
While it is becoming increasingly more common and easy to remove gluten from your diet, one topic that is going largely unaddressed is HOW one should transition toward a “gluten-free” lifestyle.



Una Cancion llena de verdades.. Increible como la Vida te llena de Rocas en tu camino, para darte cuenta, que la Vida esta llena de Milagros Diarios.. El milagro de Vivir.. ASi que vivamos sin remordimientos y haciendo todo con amor, con todos los que nos rodean. Empecemos por nosotros mismos.. asi nuestros Hijos lo viviran ..El amor, llena a nuestros seres queridos con mucha fortaleza. El amor no es rogar ni llevar las cargas del otro.. Amor es DEJAR VIVIR y estar ahi el uno por el otro. Escuchandoo siempre con atencion lo que la Vida, Dios o el Universo trata de ensenarnos. Amor no es dejar que la persona muera por dentro, por causa de nuestro rencor o egoismo de Padres o hermanos.

Espero les guste y piensen en esos seres..Amigos y Familia..
Amor de Padre y Madre es desearles lo que nunca hemos tenido.. incluyendo Respeto por nuestras decisiones, el bien de los demas, y el dejar vivir para aprender..

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Tasty Food Your Liver will Thank You Later!

Aside from losing weight, you need to take care of on of your major Organs: LIVER.
Obesity is associated with a significant number of health problems, including insulin resistance, cancer, and others, and now researchers may have uncovered a reason why. While most of your tissues and organs age at the same rate, certain factors may cause aging to research found, your liver may be aging faster than the rest of your body, putting you at risk of chronic disease. For each increase in 10 body mass index (BMI) units, the epigenetic age of the liver grew by 3.3 years.1Steve Horvath, a professor of human genetics and biostatistics at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Public Health, explained:2“Assume there is a man who is 5-foot-8 and weighs 130 pounds. This slender man would have a body mass index of 20… Compare him to a man of the same age and height who weighs 230 pounds. The liver of this obese man — who has a BMI of 35 — would probably be five years older than that of the slender man.”Obesity surgery had no apparent effect on the age of the liver, even when it resulted in rapid weight loss. Further, obesity did not appear to impact aging in fat, muscle, or blood – only the liver.
Fructose Is a Leading Cause of the Obesity Epidemic
Fructose not only damages your liver; it’s also a leading cause fueling the obesity epidemic in both adults and children. In order for you to significantly gain weight, you must first become leptin resistant. Leptin is a hormone that helps you regulate your appetite. When your leptin levels rise, it signals your body that you’re full, so you’ll stop eating.Dr. Johnson’s research clearly shows that refined sugar (in particular fructose) is exceptionally effective at causing leptin resistance in animals, and it’s very effective at blocking the burning of fat.
“When you give fructose to animals, they lose their ability to control their appetite, they eat more, and they exercise less. Fructose looks like it’s playing a direct role in weight gain,” he says.
Four out of five Americans have insulin and leptin resistance. This also includes people who are overweight, diabetic, hypertensive, or taking a statin drug. If you fall into this category, it would be prudent for you to restrict your fructose consumption to about 15 to 25 grams of fructose per day from all sources.According to Dr. Johnson, if you exercise regularly, a small amount of fructose can actually be quite beneficial, because the fructose will accelerate glucose absorption in your gut and improve muscle performance. But it really depends on how your body metabolizes the fructose.
Therefore Here are Some of the best foods for your liver that have been compiled by Rodale News and are listed below:5

  • Berries: Berries are rich in phytochemicals, including anthocyanin, which might inhibit the proliferation of liver cancer cells
  • Mushrooms: Maitake, shiitake, and reishi mushrooms are known for their potent immunosupportive agents and also contain L-ergothioneine, a powerful antioxidant to help neutralize free radicals.

  • Fermented foods: Fermented foods like cultured vegetables provide your body with beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion and provide detoxification support. The fermented food kimchi, for instance, has been found to help your body break down pesticides.

  • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, bok choy, and daikon): These help your liver neutralize toxins, including chemicals, pesticides, medications, and carcinogens.

  • Dark green leafy vegetables (kale, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and dandelion greens): These contain rich amounts of sulfur, which helps your liver with detoxification. Dandelion greens in particular are known for supporting liver detoxification and health.

  • Sea vegetables: Various types of seaweed and brown algae also support detoxification and may also help prevent your body from absorbing heavy metals and other environmental toxins. Be sure the sea vegetables come from a non-polluted water source.

  • Sprouts: Sprouts contain high levels of enzymes that serve as catalysts for important body functions. Recent research suggests that broccoli sprouts may help your body detox environmental pollutants such as benzene.6 From my perspective, broccoli, watercress, and sunflower sprouts are foods that virtually everyone can and would benefit from growing.

  • Garlic, onions, shallots, and leeks: These foods are rich in sulfur, including the sulfur-based compound allicin, which is critical for liver detoxification.

  • Organic, pastured eggs: Eggs are a high-quality source of protein that includes all eight essential amino acids. Your liver needs these to help detoxify your body. Choline, found in egg yolks, also helps protect your liver from toxins.

  • Artichokes: These contain cynarin and silymarin, which support liver health.

  • Coconut oil: This healthy saturated fat is so easy for your body to digest that no pancreatic fat-digesting enzymes are needed. This puts less stress on your liver and helps it function optimally.

  • Avocados: These contain healthy monounsaturated fat, oleic acid, and glutathione, which is important for liver health.

  • Organic, unrefined, cold-pressed, extra-virgin olive oil: High-quality olive oil contains anti-inflammatory compounds that help your liver decrease oxidative stress in your body (consume this oil unheated).

  • Flax seeds, hemp seeds, and chia seeds: These contain plant-based omega-3 fats to fight inflammation along with healthy fiber.

  • Herbs: Many herbs support liver detoxification and function. This includes ginger, cumin, coriander, cardamom, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, fennel, and turmeric (curcumin).

  • Organic, grass-fed meat: By avoiding meat raised on confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) and instead choosing grass-fed meat exclusively, you’ll help avoid pesticides, chemicals, hormones, and antibiotics that further tax your liver.

  • Wild-caught sardines, anchovies, and salmon: These provide anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats. You can also find these in krill oil. (Herbalife Has great options for the Whey Protein plus our Shake that has 21 Vitamins and Minerals)

  • Whey protein powder: Whey protein provides the amino acids necessary for glutathione production, which is essential for liver protection and function. Choose organic whey protein from grass-fed cows.

  • Spirulina: This blue-green algae is a potent detoxifier. Animal studies suggest spirulina can also protect your liver, probably as a result of its high antioxidant properties and its ability to synthesize or release nitric oxide.

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