Monday, November 10, 2014


If you’re burdened with health problems and are struggling to lose weight, it may be a good move to begin subtracting gluten and grain products from your diet as a precautionary measure.

Diet assessment helps gain needed insight as to what may be going on with any particular person. In many cases, the simple subtraction of gluten (or wheat products, in general) from one’s lifestyle is a great way to see if any health complications clear up. In some cases, it can make a huge difference.

But simply removing gluten is not enough!

Once gluten is taken out of the picture, substitutions must be made. Making sure that you’re making the correct choices.

If a person decides to make the transition toward a gluten-free life, many foods then become unavailable. It’s confusing! You don’t want to jump into such a lifestyle without having a solid platform by which to grow, and this is where lifestyle coaching and metabolic advising can help.


Wheat Belly by William Davis, MD began flying off bookstore shelves in 2011, millions of people began to realize that gluten, itself, may be the root cause to their many health issues.
Gluten-related symptoms can affect a person in a myriad of ways. With symptoms ranging from depression and brain fog to irritating skin rashes and painful digestive-tract issues, people are removing gluten from their diets for varied reasons.
Whether you are removing gluten from your diet because you:
  • Know that you have Celiac Disease (autoimmune disease).
  • Know that you have a wheat allergy.
  • Have discovered that you have a Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) by removing gluten from your diet and watching symptoms disappear.
  • Suspect that you are or could be NCGS and are starting an elimination diet to self-test.
To maximize those benefits and your overall sense of well-being, we want to ensure you go about removing gluten the smart way!
It can be tricky at first…
While it is becoming increasingly more common and easy to remove gluten from your diet, one topic that is going largely unaddressed is HOW one should transition toward a “gluten-free” lifestyle.


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