Monday, August 24, 2015


Turmeric’s power comes from a compound called curcumin, which is a potent antioxidant proven to reduce inflammation and prevent illness. 
Here are five science-backed reasons to add turmeric to your diet: 
1. Counter heart disease: Some studies show that turmeric may prevent the buildup of plaque that can block arteries (atherosclerosis) and in animal studies, turmeric extract kept LDL cholesterol from building up in blood vessels. Turmeric also stops platelets from clumping together, so it could help prevent blood clots from building up on artery walls. All in all, that’s a win for cardiovascular health. 
2. Prevent cancer: Preliminary research shows that curcumin may help prevent or even treat prostate cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, and colon cancer. This is likely due to turmeric’s antioxidant properties, which protects cells from damage and abnormalities. 
3. Fight Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease: Turmeric may help prevent and even treat neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and other conditions. This is again likely due to its anti-inflammatory and circulative effects. Elderly villagers in India have one of the world’s lowest rates of Alzheimer’s! 
4. Combat stomachaches: One double-blind study found that turmeric reduced symptoms of bloating and gas. This may be because curcumin stimulates the production of bile in the gallbladder, which may improve digestion. Even more significantly, another study showed that people with ulcerative colitis who eat turmeric stay in remission longer than those who took a placebo. 
5. Relieve osteoarthritis pain: A study found that people taking an Ayurvedic formula that contained turmeric experienced less pain and disability. This is likely due to its powerful anti-inflammatory effects. The theme here is that turmeric is powerfully anti-inflammatory, and inflammation is ultimately the root of almost all chronic disease, whether it’s asthma, diabetes, or stroke. You can reduce systemic inflammation both by cutting out unhealthy foods – for example, trans fats and sugar are highly inflammatory – and eating more anti-inflammatory foods. 
Image result for benefits of turmeric
So what’s the best way to enjoy the anti-inflammatory benefits of turmeric? You can get incredibly creative in the kitchen whipping up a delicious curry, but to start, we recommend trying this incredibly simple healthy turmeric tea recipe as well as to TURMERIC in your fruit shakes! they are great! It takes only hot water, ground turmeric, and honey and/or lemon to taste. Easy as that! 
Do you incorporate turmeric into your diet already? What are your favorite ways to enjoy it? Let us know in the comments section below! 
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Sunday, August 23, 2015

BACK TO ROUTINE! LETS BEGIN IT WITH THE RIGHT FOOT.. Back to School tips for better Routine

Instead of pushing the snooze button three times before finally rolling out of bed, why not try something new tomorrow morning? Just one (or all!) of these tips will amp up your morning routine and set you up for a fabulous day.
1. Get in enough cuddle time
Your outlook will be infinitely brighter if you take a few minutes to snuggle and hold onto something or someone you love in the morning. Be that a child, dog, cat, teddy bear, or significant other, studies show that the act of cuddling is very calming, boosts your immune system, reduces stress, and will help you wake up at the right speed. So lets hug for 2 Mins! 
2. Drink your Lemon with Water then Tea
This practice is a game changer. By drinking water with lemon early in the morning, will help detoxify as well as to clean your liver, to absorb better the nutrients and have your organs work as optimum as they can. Hot water with lemon is a nice alternative that won’t tax your adrenals. It is said to flush toxins out of your system and stimulate good digestion. Plus, it’s so darn good!
3. Write out morning pages
IIN visiting teacher Julia Cameron encourages everyone to handwrite morning pages – three pages of free-flow stream of consciousness first thing in the morning. They will help you get ready for your day by getting all your thoughts on paper and put you in touch with your subconscious feelings so they can inform you on how to prioritize your day. Multi-tasking tip: you can write your morning pages while you’re drinking your Water!
4. Drink your Tea and Shake!
Do you usually start your day by reaching for a cup of coffee? Then another just so you can get out of bed? Try by taking your tea.. take a Shower then in 2 mins your shake will be ready. More than 21 Vitamins and Minerals packed with the Protein = Perfect Breakfast; ready to go and will make you start a day in the perfect balance to keep going. Follow it with your meal plan. Any goal you setup, look at it everyday and ENJOY it!

5. Practice sun salutations- 15 Minutes of intense Exercise or RUN
Sun salutations in yoga are extremely energizing and uplifting; they awaken both the body and mind. They’re also a great way to experience a sense of gratitude – after all, you’re literally saluting the sun! Plus they get your blood pumping and lymphatic system moving. Read through this Yoga Journal article to learn the how’s and why’s of Surya Namaskar. Or go RUN before you are wide awake and able to say NO within your inner voice that tells you that you can't. REMEMBER TO DO EXERCISE WITHOUT EVEN DOUBTING 
6. Meditate
Five minutes of sitting and observing your breath can do wonders for your mental state! Meditation calms your mind and nervous system and boosts your immune system – a total win-win! When you first start meditating, sit in a comfortable cross-legged position with your back against the wall so you don’t slouch. Set a timer, close your eyes and observe your breath.  
7. Get organized the night before
Making your lunch, packing your bag, and laying out your clothes at night will save you time and decrease your morning stress. Just think – no more running around trying to find your keys, changing your outfit three times and driving fast to make it in time! Plan your agenda for the next day, the week.. it will decrease anxiety as well as will give you the 15-30 mins of exercise!
8. Get enough sleep to begin with!
We know this is the hard part! But not sleeping enough contributes to hormonal imbalances, weight issues, headaches, memory, and cognitive impairment.  Yikes! Make it a priority to get in bed earlier and you’ll wake up feeling well rested, instead of cranky and exhausted.
Wake up just half an hour earlier to try any or all of these steps – you might be amazed by the results. Here’s to a productive, happy morning that will set the tone for your whole day!
What’s your favorite morning routine? Did we miss any here? Share them with us in the comments section below this post.


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

TIPS for a Fitness Makeover - Moms AND ANY WORKING ADULT

Many moms and Adults forget to take care of their basic needs to ensure that they remain healthy.
Skipping meals, missing workouts and not finding time for skin care, over time, can have a negative impact on your health and body confidence. It’s time for a fitness mommy makeover plan so that you can look and feel your best. A mom that feels good, is a Family that will be Good. Your habits will transfer to your kids, and the ones around you. Make sure you spread the positive ;)

TIPS for a Fitness Makeover:

Set a Fitness Goal
Improving your overall fitness level can positively impact you and the children you love so much. As your fitness improves, you will be able to better keep up with them and their busy schedule. Set a personal goal.Do you want to be stronger, faster, have more endurance, improve your energy level, or all of the above? If you set a goal to get active and write it down, taking the action steps to achieve it will be much easier.
Treat Yourself to a Fitness Gadget or App
Now that you have set a goal for yourself, think of a way that you can monitor your progress. Investing in simple gadgets, such as a pedometer or heart rate monitor, may help keep you motivated and enable you to celebrate your improvements. There are several free apps for smart phones, too, so spend some time to explore what technology will best suit your needs.
I personally Use Nike + to make sure I see my runs and have the coach Voice to keep me on my toes, then I do 15 mins of weights or planks and basic stretching.
Look for an Event to Participate in:
Having something active to look forward to on a weekly or monthly basis and, better yet, doing it with a friend, will help keep you on track with your fitness plan. There are so many fun fitness events to consider: 5k runs, charity events, local dance classes, and many more. Treating yourself to a special occasion is a great way to re energize after a long week.
Take Mini Breaks
Find time everyday for a mini fitness break. A five minute workout on your busy days is better than doing nothing at all. Every second counts when it comes to getting fit and relieving your stress level. With so many mini workouts online from which to choose, you have no excuses. My fit tips on YouTube will help you get started.
Schedule Some M-“OM” Time
By ‘OM’ I mean yoga, stretching, breathing and meditation. Its great if you can do some every day before bed or whenever you are feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. It’s amazing how refreshing taking five deep breaths can be, especially when the little ones are testing your patience. A stretch out session before you go to bed may improve your sleep, too.
5 Workouts.
In order to shape up and get fit, you need to engage in a well-rounded fitness plan that includes cardio, strength, flexibility and endurance. Squeezing in a workout, even if it is short, is better than doing nothing at all. Here are five routines that you can try to add to your week, based on how much time you have available.
One move 5 min challenge:
This one single move will work all of your muscles.
10 minute jump rope:
Find your inner child and challenge your coordination with this fun jump rope routine.
20 minute cardio:
This athletic routine will get your heart rate up and help to build strength.
40 minute running and conditioning:
Put on your running shoes and get outside to run.The fresh air will give you a boost, too.
10 minute stretch and stress reliever:
This stretching routine can be added to the end of any workout or done as a stand alone routine to help relieve stress.
Stress and inactivity are two health risk factors that you can make a conscious effort to eliminate from your life. I hope you can find a way to do your own fitness makeover because dedicating some time each day for self improvement may make you a better parent, partner or colleague at work.
Written by Samantha Clayton, AFAA, ISSA. Samantha is  Sr. Director of Fitness Education at Herbalife, edited by DIANA ARIZA,PN

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