Dairy Products: Milk (lets replace it with Almond, rice or coconut Milk)
Fast Food - A hamburger here, a bucket of fried chicken there, and fast food rapidly turns into a habit. Unfortunately, the health consequences of regular fast food consumption are significant. Becoming overweight or obese is the most obvious risk, but being fat isn't just a cosmetic concern. Overweight and obesity put you at risk for a host of other problems including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, stroke and infertility. Additionally, scientists suspect there may be a correlation between fast food and mental health. To protect yourself, consider packing a lunch instead of eating out. If you are concerned about the damage a fast food diet may have done to your body, ask your physician for a full physical and talk to him about changing your lifestyle.
Yogurt: Replace it with Almond Milk or Cottage Cheese for lower Cholesterol
Artificial Sweeteners: Lets use the most Natural flavor of things, or Brown sugar for recipes. Agave for Cold Tea? Any Fruit to add to sweeten our recipes
Nuts have heart-healthy fats, but they’re also high in calories: 1 handful (about 1 ounce) of oil-roasted mixed nuts has 175 calories; 3 handfuls have 525. Cut out nuts altogether and save more than 500 calories. Can’t resist ’em? Eat pistachios: 2 handfuls are just 159 calories
Alcohol, Tequila? Whiskey? Too many calories, too much Sugar and your body doesn't really digest it well. Plus no beneficial for Heart conditions. Instead RUN IT OFF! Or drink just a Glass or 2 of RED WINE for Women to prevent Cancer. Men, look for hard liquor low in calories, just one zip per day.
Limit salad toppings-A big salad might seem healthy, but all those goodies on top can make it more calorie-laden than lasagna or fettuccine Alfredo.
- Eat
Less Pasta- One cup of pasta is just 220 calories. But typical dinner portions at restaurants can be as much as 480% larger than that 1 cup, according to New York University research.
- Ask to have your food cooked with a little stock instead of oil, or order steamed or poached entrĂ©es: you’ll save 124 calories per tablespoon of oil.
OTHER TIPS! Ways to Cut 500 Calories a Day
- Your skinnier friends are probably fidgeters, who burn up to 350 calories a day just by tapping their feet or being restless.
Try it for a few days. Walk around while you’re on the phone, or tap out a tune with your hands or feet (in the privacy of your own office, of course).In fact, do a couple of swaps a day and you can drop 10 pounds in 5 weeks!
- Dont Eat in Front of the TV. Instead, eat at the table, and trade 1 hour of TV for a casual walk. Together, that’s 527 calories burned.
- GET ENOUGH SLEEP- Burn 500 Calories by sleeping more than 7 hours everyday.
SOURCES: http://www.health.com/health/gallery/0,,20454528_5,00.html